Stay at Campeche Tarpon

Stay at Campeche Tarpon

by Steve Jensen

With a population of 250,000, Campeche is a city of many delights. Rich in history, it is one of the cleanest and most beautiful cities in Mexico. Within the city is a large, interesting market, many small shops, museums, fine restaurants and other attractions. Designated in 1999 as a UNESCO World Heritage site, Campeche has much to offer the whole family.

Within easy driving distance are some of the best examples of Mayan ruins found in Mexico. Edzna, Chicanna and Balamku are preserved sites that are as large and as spectacular as the more famous ruins at Chichen Itza. Most outfitters can arrange guided tours to these sites as part of your experience.

On my first visit to Campeche, my wife accompanied me. We were lodged in the beautiful, air conditioned Hotel Plaza Campeche near the square and within walking distance of two premier restaurants: Restaurant Marganzo and Restaurant La Pigua. The food was excellent and one of the highlights of the trip. Another impressive feature of Campeche is how safe we felt; the people are friendly without being intrusive, and we walked around at night without any fear of harm.

Several fly shops and fly fishing travel agencies book trips to Campeche. My experience has been limited to one: Yellow Dog Fly Fishing Adventures ( It was through them that I was introduced to Alejandro Hernandez, owner and operator of Campeche Tarpon ( My good friend Alex is not only an excellent host but also runs a classy, guided-fishing operation.

If baby tarpon fishing is on your bucket list, I highly recommend his organization.

Steve Jensen

Steve lives in Springfield, Missouri, and is a retired biology professor and department head from Missouri State University. He is a life member of the IFFF, a demonstration tier and coauthor of the No. 1 book on mayfly taxonomy,“The Mayflies of North and Central America.” In his spare time he frames

the fly plates for the Federation’s Legends of Fly Tying Fly Plate Project.

Special Thanks: International Federation of Fly Fisher